130 Kotak Suara telah diterima PPS Desa Sendangsari

15 April 2019
Dibaca 46 Kali

Monday, April 15, 2019, a total of 130 ballot boxes have been received by PPS Sendangsari Village at 15.15 WIB and 15.57 WIB. Logistics distribution from KPU warehouses in Ex Sendangsari Village Kings Futsal Hall was carried out in 2 stages (2 fleets). The first phase of the fleet carried 120 ballot boxes with details of the 26 box PPWP boxes, 20 DPR RI boxes, 24 boxed DPD, 26 provincial DPRD boxes and 24 District DPRDs and 26 voting booths. The second phase of the fleet carried 10 boxes, namely PPWP 6 boxes, RI DPR 2 boxes and DPD 2 boxes.

It is planned that the ballot boxes along with other electoral logistics will be distributed by Sendangsari Village PPS to KPPS at each TPS in Sendangsari Village tomorrow morning at 07.30 WIB by using 2 fleets for time effectiveness. In the logistics distribution, monitoring of the technical readiness of the KPPS will also be carried out in holding the 2019 election in the hope that Wednesday's April 17 2019 activities will be carried out well. (Red: ye_a).